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WPKN Radio Show - Seeking Wellness: Our Bodies Explained

Catch Dr. Pierre on Seeking Wellness every 4th Saturday of the month on 89.5 FM WPKN at 9am.
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July 2021 Topic: Tending to Trauma

On this episode of Seeking Wellness, Dr. Pierre is joined by Naturopathic Doctor and trauma specialist Dr. Gaynel Nave. Dr. Nave explains the body's physiological response to acute and chronic trauma including an introduction to psychoneuroendocrinology and epigenetics. Included in the discussion is racial/ intergenerational trauma and the trauma induced by the pandemic. Special populations discussed include children, military personnel and first responders. Lastly, the doctors offer up trauma informed treatments and the importance of social support systems.

Connect with Dr. Nave on her website and all social media outlets @drgaynelnave.